AKA: Colorado (France)
Account Rendered (undefined)
Gehetzte der Sierra Madre, Der (Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
Halcón y la presa, El (Spain)
Presa, La (Spain) (working title)
The Big Gundown (USA)
In Italy the album was released in audio mono on Parade Label (EPL 2891) and in America in stereo by United Artists (SULP 1228) . Reprinted on CD in Italy and in Japan, this new version has a longer duration of 54:09 and it is the definitive presentation. This CD includes both the original album tracks in stereo and the mono film versions with completely restored sound and also it contains a true rarity bonus track: the film version of the FINALE with a never released intro featuring a grotesque effect of arghilofono with strings and oboe.