Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins was produced by Dick Clark Productions and released in 1985 by Orion Pictures. The movie stars Fred Ward, Joel Grey, Wilford Brimley, Kate Mulgrew and J.A. Preston. The movie was adapted from a popular "Destroyer" series of books by Richard Sapir and Warren Murphy. While the movie wasn't a blockbuster success, the movie did go on to spawn a loyal cult following and a TV movie / pilot (where Roddy McDowall plays Chiun).
After getting positive reviews for the quality sound of our Pumpkinhead LP release, we decided we wanted to tackle Remo Williams for vinyl and CD approaching it the same way - finding and using the best sources out there. Previous releases used a DAT, which is fine for CDs but not always the best quality for LP. After meeting with Craig Safan he told us he had tapes we could use for a quality transfer. Johnny Davis transferred the 1/4" tapes Craig provided to us and James Nelson mastered the CD from the pristine 24/192 files. As you can see from the quote above, Craig loved the quality of this transfer and we believe you will too.