"Ritratto di donna velata" is a very successful TV series produced in 1974 and broadcasted in five episodes beginning September 14, 1975. It was directed by Flaminio Bollini and starred Daria Nicolodi, with music by Riz Ortolani.
The complex story finds an archeology student and a young pilot in an intriguing mystery with an esoteric background, with a veiled woman and a horseman dressed in black glimpsed in the mist during the night.
For this series, Riz Ortolani composed some of the most beautiful melodies of his entire career, including the gorgeous main titles and end credits that were released at the time on a 45rpm that nowadays is impossible to find. Great suspense, elegant themes, danceable cues and alternate orchestrations of the main titles fill a CD that gives justice to a guilty void in the discography of this great Maestro, surely residing in the Italian and international film music Olympus.
The CD comes in a jewel case featuring a 12-page booklet, with mastering and liner notes by Claudio Fuiano and graphic layout by Alessio Iannuzzi.
- Beat Records