The eighth and final release of the short series dedicated to the work of the popular Roman composer Piero Piccioni, FRATELLO MARE (BROTHER SEA) was directed in 1975 by Folco Quilici and focuses on the tourism that is plundering one of the heavens on Earth: in this case, Polynesia. Through his personal recollections, the protagonist, an old fisherman, gives life to his relationship with the seaside and the social evolution of his homeland. With great bitterness, he bears witness to the unscrupulous exploitation of the islands by foreign businessmen. The Maestro's score, with its easy-listening lounge grooves and jazz veins, narrates the old man's tale with great sweetness and counterpoints his emotions with music, revealing once again the composer's profound artistic sensibility.
The CD is presented in a jewel case featuring a 12-page booklet, with liner notes (in Italian and English) and mastering by Claudio Fuiano. Even though this is the last chapter of our series, pay attention to December's releases; a surprise awaits you! Limited edition of 500 copies!
- Beat Records